Akiko Horiuchi
Gallery show:
From the Ancient to the Present Times
June 5 (sat) - July 10 (sat), 2021
(left) Stephanie Quayle
Toad IV / 2020
(right) Amulet (frog)
South Mesopotamia / 3,000-1,000 B.C.
Photography: Masaki Ogawa
Gallery 38 is pleased to announce the opening of Gallery show “ From the Ancient to the Present Times” .
In this exhibition, we will exhibit artworks from the ancient orient as well as seven contemporary artists at the same time in order to explore their allure and timeless beauty.
Both ancient people and contemporary artists receive their inspirations from nature, science, society, history and myth, thus they share many commonalities. Some exhibits are from 3,000 B.C, and their motifs can also be seen in contemporary art.
By imagining ancient times through artworks with our contemporary minds, not only can we see a glimpse of the continuity and relationship of humanity at large, but also we are initiating the connection between ancient and present times. Although the ways of expression and representation differ in artworks created in various backgrounds and times, they reflect the artist's quest for unchanging beauty.
While comparing timeless and mesmerizing artworks created by ancient people with contemporary artworks, we can find new allures and connections that cannot be found in one single artwork. We also hope that the exhibition will provide an opportunity for the visitors to think about the history and locality of each work, and to contemplate the enduring beauty of the past, present and future.
Exhibited Artists
Christiane Pooley / クリスチャン・プーレイ
Hartmut Landauer / ハートムット・ランダウアー
Oliver Marsden / オリバー・マースデン
Romain Cadilhon / ロマーン・カディロン
Stephanie Quayle / ステファニー・クエール
Kishio Suga / 菅 木志雄
Taizo Kuroda / 黒田 泰蔵
Special Thanks: Saeko Miyashita, Alexander Nakahashi
Exhibition detail:
Gallery show:
“ From the Ancient to the Present Times “
Date: June 5 (sat) - July 10 (sat), 2021
Open: Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays ONLY
Hours : 12:00 - 19:00
*There may be irregular changes without notice. Please kindly check our website and SNS page before visiting.
Closed on:
Sunday to Wednesday / National Holidays
* If you wish to visit on the days the gallery is closed, please contact us in advance.
Gallery 38
2-30-28, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku,
Tokyo Japan
+81 (0)3 6721 1505